Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Blind Baby You Blind From The Fact!!

Steve Spurrier is defending the ref who knocked South Carolina QB Steven Garcia on his ass Saturday night. Said Spurrier, "He was trying to get out of the way,"

Yeah... I saw the fucking play from 4 different angles. Refs backpedal or sidestep to get out of the way. This ref took two steps TOWARDS Garcia, stuck his elbow out Cholo style and leveled him. I'm surprised he wasn't tossed in the penalty box for a cross-check (do they still do that in hockey?). And of course the SEC is defending THEIR ref.
ESPN reports
A spokesman (from the SEC) said the umpire raised his arm to defend himself after a change of direction by the runner

Look at the film. I mean seriously.... look at the film. The fucker leaned in to make the hit. LEANED IN.....
Safeties, Linebackers, Corners, Will, Sam... THEY lean in to make a hit. REFS get out of the damn way!!! As far as I'm concerned, this one got away with Hanibal Lector-esque murder. I'm a little un-edjumacated on how the NCAA disciplines referees, but can they do something about this? Despite the support from the SEC - annomyous spokesman?

In other Bull Shit, Marcus Vick plead guilty today to both charges of DUI and eluding police.

Vick will have to pay $530 (No, I didn't leave out a zero) in fines and loses his license for a year. Oh and his 12 month jail time was suspended. Gee, wish I could run from the cops in the wrong fucking lane and get off with a less-than-a-laptop-costs fine and suspended license.

1 comment:

Poncho Sinatra said...

That Ref is going to have a MMA contract pretty soon. Maybe he will fight Kimbo?
