This is the typical email that the Axeman is receiving now.
I am currently uninterested in any other aspect of Syracuse Football. Please inform me when Greg Robinson is fired and I will return to watching this team play. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Dr.Daryl Gross and ask him what the holy heck he is waiting for.
Holy crap!! These people won't even check the news out for themselves? They're relying on Axeman to email them the good news of Robinson being canned? Fuck me! Talk about apathy!
I agree with most of the people who's recaps Ive read. After the first quarter I really didn't expect Syracuse to even keep it close and I was pretty emotionless the rest of the game. Yippee... Syracusee is punting again. Hooray... Max Suter just got knocked on his ass. Whoo hoo... another dropped pass. Whoop-de-doo one covered a Bull WR who walked in the end zone for a score.
Yup that was me. We SU fans have turned into Robots just awaiting Robinson's ousting. I did show emotion one time during the game. The first Bulls score of the second half. You know.. the one where NO ONE covered AJ Love and he scored the easiest TD I've ever seen. I did have to chuck a pillow on that one (remember guys.... chuck it at the front door for best results).
Robinson on the blown coverage:
"Our safety didn't look out there. Earlier on, he had played that guy. That time he didn't see him deploy."
I could be wrong. And if I am so be it. But if memory serves me correct 'that guy' was the only receiver split wide to the right in a tight formation. Don't corners usually cover receivers?
So it seems we're all on the same page. Just filling out our pool for when the announcement is made that 'Robinson won't be coaching Syracuse football in 2009'
Put me down for November 3rd.
If you're a fan of Nune's Gregisms, he's got some doozies for you this week. Trust me, you'll be laughing your ass off all morning!! Hell, my sides were already hurting by the time I got to:
"I think this is one of those types of games that we have to put behind us."
TNIAAM, You rock! I had a really shit-ass weekend and I needed a good laugh this morning! Great stuff!!!
Nice Post...!
I force myself to watch the games because I feel I am obligated for some strange reason???
Can we officially start the countdown to Basketball season?
No kidding! No one here even makes fun of my team anymore. They just say 'damn... man.... you got it bad'
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